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12 & 13 November 2025


Save money by getting rid of pointless claims investigations

If you are a logistics and supply chain manager running warehouses with high demands, you can achieve flawless logistics using our cutting-edge Intelligent Video and AI Services. Seeing is Believing.

What if up to 50% of your registered picking errors, and up to 40% of your registered claims, never happened?

It would mean that you are taking the blame for someone else’s mistakes. And you’re most likely to pay the bill!

According to Staffan Persson Global Presales Director and Co-founder of Swedish logtech company SiB Solutions, this might be the case.

Hello Staffan Persson,
you make a bold statement by saying that up to 50% of a warehouse’s registered picking errors, and up to 40% of its registered claims could be someone else’s problem or even no problem at all?

- It´s bold, but it´s what our analysis of our customer base shows us. Errors often equal human mistakes, but we see that other things can affect quality. I will be showing some of our findings and how other companies managed to avoid them during my speaker slots. Something people wanting to save their money, and their image, shouldn’t miss. Says Staffan Persson.

Investigating claims can feel like a costly, time consuming or pointless task. How is it different for a company subscribing to Intelligent Video and AI Services from SiB Solutions? 

- Today, many warehouse operations have to make guesses and assumptions regarding what happened to goods that go missing or seem to have been picked incorrectly. The only way you can really know what happened is to see what happened. 

That’s what our Intelligent Video and AI Services give companies – true insight into what happened to goods and the ability to lead fact-based improvement initiatives where they are needed.

Modern logistics services involve many stakeholders. These include suppliers, transport companies, customers, warehouse staff, production and sales. In these situations, it’s hard to agree on who caused any discrepancy in goods delivered, and who should pay for it, especially when much of that blame game is based on guesswork. When you have searchable video, and ultimately hard facts, you see exactly what happened. You get the upper hand in negotiations with suppliers and customers, while having the right information to make ongoing improvements in the warehouse. Says Staffan Persson.

Customers complaining want compensation, right? Is it smart business to validate all claims this way? Is there really a business case?

- Yes there is. As you can now search and see relevant video clips within seconds, you can quickly evaluate claims. At SiB Solutions we challenge the assumption that achieving 0% errors is too costly. It is no longer too time consuming or too costly to root out any remaining deviations and errors. Says Staffan Persson.

Come and listen to Staffan Persson, keynote speaker on the 1st of March on 15:30 in Keynote Theatre 5!

Visit SiB Solutions to find out more!